
Making learning tech fun and engaging the next generation of engineers

Nordic Semiconductor is ideally positioned to help you educate the next generation of engineers and coders, having played a pioneering role in the development of the world-renowned BBC micro:bit.

Nordic’s wireless IoT connectivity hardware and software technologies are designed to remove as much unnecessary complexity as possible, to free its customers to be as creative as possible.
This approach makes Nordic an ideal education partner for developing simplified education tools that bring wireless technology to life for school children. And this includes learning about AI and machine learning in a very simplified way.

For this reason, universities also make extensive use of Nordic dev kits and rapid prototyping solutions to educate their engineering students about next-generation IoT tech.  

Nordic made learning tech fun with the BBC micro:bit – let us help you do the same

Children in elementary and middle schools around the world are working with the Nordic-based BBC micro:bit that is loaded with sensors and connects wirelessly using Nordic SoCs. The micro:bit’s primary aim is to help kids learn how to write simple code and bring technology to life using kids-focused programming software and hardware.

Nordic’s ultra-low power nRF52833 Bluetooth SoC sits at the heart of the latest version of the BBC micro:bit. The nRF52833 SoC provides all the micro:bit’s low power wireless connectivity, and its embedded 64 MHz Arm Cortex-M4 serves as the micro:bit’s main system microcontroller.

The micro:bit program was launched in 2015 with a million wireless chips donated by Nordic Semiconductor. Since then, these tiny, yet suprisingly powerful programmable pocket computers have found their way into the hands of 39 million children in over 60 countries worldwide.

Highlighted applications

Coding & software engineering

Hardware engineering

Wireless technology and IoT engineering

Wireless protocols for Education

Cellular IoT

Want to add cellular connectivity to your product? We offer the most compact and low power solutions in the market for cellular IoT.


Nordic Semiconductor is a leading provider of low-power wireless communication solutions, utilizing decades of ultra-low-power wireless expertise to maximize Wi-Fi’s low-power potential in various applications including home automation, smart lighting, and other IoT devices.

Bluetooth Low Energy

Want to add Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth LE) connectivity to your product? We offer high-quality BLE SoCs, Bluetooth Low Energy chips, and BT modules with ultra-low power consumption and protocol stacks, ensuring excellent interoperability.


We offer the complete solution for building Thread and Matter products; feature-rich SoCs, a qualified mesh stack with samples, and a topology monitor.


Matter provides a shared foundation on which to build an application. The goal is to have interoperability between devices and ecosystems.

Amazon Sidewalk

Amazon Sidewalk is a community network that uses Amazon Sidewalk Bridges, such as Amazon Echo and Ring devices, to give cloud connectivity to IoT devices at no network connection cost. It provides connectivity to devices that are outside of the range of a home Wi-Fi network for a cloud connection.

Recommended hardware

Recommended software

nRF Connect SDK

nRF Connect SDK is a common software development kit for Bluetooth Low Energy, Wi-Fi, cellular IoT, Bluetooth mesh, Thread, Zigbee and Matter. It supports all our nRF52, nRF53, nRF70 and nRF91 Series wireless devices.


Cloud Services

The IoT cloud services optimized for ultra-low power Nordic Semiconductor devices.