Environmental Management

Nordic Semiconductor strives to act responsibly towards the environment and recognizes its accountability for the impact caused by our business operations. Our main environmental aspects are related to product compliance and greenhouse gas emissions. To ensure control over our direct operations and also our suppliers’ environmental performance, Nordic Semiconductor is certified to ISO 14001, and requires all manufacturing partners to have the same certification.

Nordic Semiconductor’s Environmental Policy

Being a preferred partner to environmentally conscious stakeholders, Nordic Semiconductor shall incur no loss of business or profitability due to incidents or issues related to disturbance to health or environment. Nordic Semiconductor is committed to:

  • Comply to applicable legal requirements and regulations, and protect the environment through sound management practices and decisions
  • Protect the natural environment by minimizing waste generation, pollution and GHG emissions, resource- and water consumption, and the use of hazardous materials in our products, as well as develop and use environmentally friendly technologies
  • Promote environmental responsibility and ensure that our suppliers live up to Nordic Semiconductor’s environmental standards
  • Establish and evaluate achievable environmental performance goals to ensure continuous improvement of our environmental management system
  • Regularly monitor and report on environmental performance, and to consult with relevant stakeholders on environmental issues


DNV iso 14001

Environmental Product Compliance

The electronics industry is subject to several legislation and standards in order to reduce the impact on the environment.

Nordic Semiconductor is committed to comply with all applicable environmental legislative requirements as well as customer-specific requirements, and has controls in place for design and production processes to ensure compliance to those, such as, but not limited to:

Being a fabless semiconductor company, close communication and cooperation with the manufacturing suppliers of our products are crucial for the hazardous substances management. Nordic Semiconductor has defined environmental requirements and specifications for its manufacturing suppliers to ensure full environmental product compliance.

Greenhouse gas emissions and renewable energy program

Nordic Semiconductor is committed to reduce its impact on climate change, and places a high emphasis on both greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction and use of renewable energy in both its direct operations and outsourced production operations. The company has monitored annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions since 2011 and reports annually to the Carbon Disclosure Project’s Climate Change questionnaire (www.cdp.net), detailing how climate change risk and opportunities related to climate change are managed, as well as GHG accounting results. More information can be found in our annual ESG reports.

Eco design

Nordic Semiconductor strives to reduce the environmental impact throughout the life cycle of its products. While enabling energy efficient end products for the consumers, the company also targets to optimize the consumption of materials. This includes minimizing production of waste, avoiding hazardous substances, and preferring use of recycled materials and materials that are recyclable.

Environmental Qualification Reports

Environmental Qualification reports for individual products can be found in the Infocenter.

Contacts for environmental related topics

E-mail: environment@nordicsemi.no