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nPM1300 EK 评估套件

nPM1300是具有电池充电和独特系统管理功能的高效率电源管理IC(PMIC)产品,nPM1300 EK是用于nPM1300的评估套件。

用户可通过nPM1300评估套件对nPM1300电源管理IC(PMIC)进行简便的评测和配置。通过连接到nRF Connect for Desktop中的nPM PowerUP应用程序,可以运用直观的图像用户界面(GUI)轻松配置nPM1300的全部设置,并将其作为代码导出,在MCU应用中运行。 

  • 通过nPM PowerUP桌面应用程序实现无缝集成和配置 
  • 通过公头引脚访问所有的nPM1300 PMIC连接,轻易连接Nordic开发套件(DK)和外部测试设备 
  • 使用集成的LED和按钮,可对PMIC的内置LED驱动器和GPIO进行评测 


要初步评估nPM1300内的电量测量能力,用户可以使用nPM PowerUP中已经包含的预配置电池模型之一。电量计量表解决方案配合电池模型,可准确测量设备充电状态。分析电池并生成电池模型是一次性的工作,你需要一些额外的硬件。点击询问我们按钮来联系北欧的销售代表了解更多关于nPM1300电量计量表的信息。



下载nPM1300 EK产品简介 (pdf)

Key features

Connects to nPM Fuel Gauge board for battery profiling

Male pin headers for all pins on the nPM1300 PMIC, and battery connectors

USB-C for power and data communication

Three LEDs and four pushbuttons

nPM1300 - highly efficient PMIC with advanced system management features

Seamless configuration through nPM PowerUP desktop software

Watch & Learn

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Get to know more about the nPM1300 PMIC

nPM1300 PMIC

Power Management IC (PMIC) with unique system management features

The nPM1300 is designed to provide highly efficient power regulation for Nordic’s nRF52® and nRF53® Series, as well as the nRF54H20 advanced wireless multiprotocol Systems-on-Chip (SoC). The PMIC is also suitable for battery charging for applications based on the nRF91 Series systems-in-package (SiPs) for cellular IoT, by using the PMIC’s unregulated output to power the SiP's internal buck regulators.

Devices using the nPM1300 and a compatible SoC or SiP also get access to the Nordic Fuel Gauge, a highly accurate, ultra-low-power way of estimating state-of-charge of rechargeable batteries.