Edge AI - ML Studio

Nordic Semiconductor use their experience in ultra-low-power to take wireless technology to the next level, allowing more powerful data processing at the edge, bringing significant benefits to your applications.

 Why use Edge AI on your Nordic SoC? 

icon      FEATURE-PROOF:  By using Edge AI on your device you can add new and innovative features to your product that makes it to stand out from the competitiors'
 Icon of two cogwheels BANDWIDTH & LATENCY: Process data locally in real-time - no need to use bandwidth to send raw data and no time wasted wating for a response from the cloud 
 icon POWER & EFFICIENCY:  Local processing uses less power than sending data over the air, allowing your device to have longer operation and smaller battery size

ML Studio

ML Studio is Nordic's own platform for creating embedded ML models to run on Nordic hardware. ML Studio was created in close collaboration with and is powered by Edge Impulse. 

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Who is Edge Impulse?

Edge Impulse is Nordic's official partner for Embedded ML development. They offer the leading development platform for machine learning on edge devices, free for developers and trusted by enterprises. Accelerate your product development and minimize risks with a platform built to handle the challenges of working with real-world sensor data.