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nRF Programmer Mobile app

Firmware updates made easy

The nRF Programmer allows users to upload precompiled firmware samples from the nRF Connect SDK to your Nordic Thingy:53 over Bluetooth® Low Energy (LE), without connecting to a PC or external programmer. This allows you to easily test out different applications and updating firmware without the need of having physical access to the device. 

The current version of nRF Programmer allows you to choose from several samples in the nRF Connect SDK, including:

  • Edge Impulse firmware, compatible with the nRF Edge Impulse mobile app and Edge Impulse Studio

  • LED button sample (LBS), compatible with the nRF Blinky mobile app

  • Peripheral UART sample, compatible with the UART profile in the nRF Toolbox mobile app

  • Mesh light, light switch, light fixture and sensor samples, compatible with the nRF Mesh mobile app

  • Matter weather station application

  • Zigbee weather station application

  • nRF Machine learning application, compatible with Edge Impulse’s Data forwarder

Additional samples will be added in the future.

See the Getting started with Thingy:53 guide for step-by-step instructions on updating the Nordic Thingy:53 firmware overBluetooth® Low Energy (LE).

graphical user interface

graphical user interface

Supported Hardware

Enables engineers to do fast prototyping and development

Nordic Thingy:53

The Thingy:53 is a multi-sensor prototyping platform designed for rapid wireless IoT and embedded machine learning development

Supported System-on-Chip

Bluetooth Low Energy (previously called Bluetooth Smart) technology

nRF5340 SoC

Dual-core Bluetooth 5.4 SoC supporting Bluetooth Low Energy, Bluetooth mesh, NFC, Thread and Zigbee

128 MHz Arm Cortex-M33 CPU with
1 MB Flash + 512 KB RAM
64 MHz Arm Cortex-M33 CPU with
256 KB Flash + 64 KB RAM
Bluetooth Low Energy
Bluetooth Direction Finding
Bluetooth mesh
Thread, Zigbee
Advanced security
105 °C extended operating temperature
1.7-5.5 V supply voltage range